The future medicine – homoeopathy

Dr Ambreesh Pandey

India is a tropical country and socio-economic condition of the country is poor. Homoeopathic scientific method of treatment can able to maintain the health status of those people who are spend their earning money for maintaining their bread and butter so medical expenses are very difficult for them to manage the situation accordingly. There is a lot of scope in future for that group of people even for middle and upper class of people. In homoeopathy we treat patient as a whole so holistic approach is the uniqueness of this system and there is a lot of possibilities for growth and development of this scientific method of treatment.

Key wards :  Nanobotics, future medicine, Mind, evidence-based medicine, research, challenges in homoeopathy. Philosophy, complete cure.

Introduction :
“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”    – Paulo Coelho

Civilization today seems to be passing through one of its periodic crises. The old order is yielding place to new with confused potentialities. Standards, aims and institutions which were generally accepted even a generation ago are now changed and challenged. In this aspect homoeopathic medical system should be changed and due to this there is a broad scope and opportunities in the future in different field as in treatment, pharmacy, education, and infrastructure and so on.

Life should be filled with hopes, goals, determination and optimism. Homoeopathy is a holistic system of medicine, which deals with physical, mental, social and psychological aspect of the disease and these components are responsible for the disease development in the individual.

The modern medicine practitioner accepted it that diseases are not due to microbes or pathogens only but there are weakness  in the body’s defense mechanism, weakness of mind that make a favorable environment for the development of pathogen that cause diseases

Homoeopathic Practitioners
India is the largest empire of Homoeopathy. 3 lakes registered practitioners, 180 undergraduate colleges, 32 post graduate colleges, 700 medicine factories, 7500 dispensaries , over 400 hospitals are the assets of the country.  A BHMS student spent 4800 hours in class and a PG student spent about 6550 hours in the campus of the institution. Homoeopathy is the second largest medical system which is used by the people in the world after modern medicine. There is a lot of future in the homoeopathic practice. The world is seeing towards us for better option for the treatment.

Research is revealing that the mind affects the body and that consciousness is not a by – product of physical and biological entity of man. The existence of Eastern and Western medicine suggests that healing, in part may not be so much a process of administering therapy as a matter of how the therapy is administered and accepted.  The body/ mind / consciousness of patient and healer must be in synchrony. It may not be the medicine, but the flow of consciousness given and received that heals. In this context in field of research there is a great opportunities in future.

Conventional medicine offers a drug for a specific disease; homoeopathy offers a remedy for a sick individual.  The conventional system of medicine will force the symptoms to disappear, in many cases suppress the symptoms, but homoeopathy will restore the patient to health, but not easily in a routine way and not always!  The conventional method will be fast in its effect, the second slower and tedious. To find out the parameters that define these limits is a matter of repeated and tedious experiments that require a wealth of finances that are difficult to generate for private practitioners who are the only ones interested to present these experiments.

Homoeopathy Medicine of future: Guiding principle

I am here mention the guiding principles of future medicine written by  DR. KUMARM DHAWALE in his article published in June 2017 in “HOMOEOPATHY  FOR  ALL” title as Homoeopathy-Future Medicine for The Aspiring Young.

  1. Homoeopathy has a chance to succeed everything is alive and evolving, and hence our emphasis is on life and health rather than disease.
  2. The interplay of attraction and repulsion with in the human organism is a key to restoring the balance of life currents running through the patient and the means by which a disease may be expelled from the body.
  3. The power of the human system is used to divert the flow of energies presently inimical to man away from out of the body, rather than repressing them and inviting problems later in this life or another.
  4. The explorations of the body’s electromagnetic forces, suggesting that all pour tissues are part of vast electrical system, may open the way further to old medical science in a new world.
  5. When it comprises identifying the ‘NANOBOTICS’ from with in us charging them specifically and appropriately and then expecting them to do their job in quietitude of inner space.

Flexible approach
Homoeopathy was made very rigid and that rigidity is transmitted for generation to generation from teacher to students and unknowingly most of the homoeopath  become very rigid.

Some people have faith in the homoeopathic system as a religion. Religion is basically dogmatic based on unquestionable fixed beliefs.

Any science should be modified and studied again and again for better improvement for future, it should not be stagnant. The religious and rigidity mode of understanding of homoeopathy is very necessary to be changed.

We should take our science as a profession not attached to emotion and understand the present need of society. Existence of any medical science is dependent on the social needs.

To introduce the homoeopathy in a better way in future we should know what are the trends, requirements, and necessities of the society, we cannot improve ourselves without including the society. We have to study our society in details and the social requirements and we have to change our plans and approach accordingly for the growth and development of the system.

We  should have a new way of communication about homoeopathy to the public . instead of saying that we treat the patient not the disease, we should say that we have a better treatment for such and such diseases. Such communication will be easy and clear, We have to talk in a language which communicates clearly to the common man and government.. We should modify homoeopathy in to a more acceptable, understandable and useful system in the future. So there is big beginning of us in the future.

On the view of all above said we can able to satisfied us for the future prospect of this rational system of medicine but on condition the physician should gather knowledge as a clinical, as a philosophical, as a psychological view which help to treat the patient as a whole for all categories and serve the duty in society as a large manner with avoid any palliations and suppressions which help us to treat the patient as a cure. AUDE SAPRAE.


  1. Sarkar B. K. , Essay on homoeopathy, birla publications, 2004
  2. Coulter L H., Homoeopathic science and modern medicine, IBPS publication , 1986
  3. Rajendran E S. New lights lectures on homoeopathy and philosophy, mohana publications, 2019
  4. Homoeopathy 360 e magazine
  5. Homoeopathy for all , june 2017 issue

Dr. Ambreesh Pandey
BHMS(HONS.), MD(Hom), PhD(Scholar)
Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine
Govt. SDJH Medical College Azamgarh UP
Ex. Research Associate
Homoeopathic Drug Research Institute Lucknow,
Central Council of Research in Homoeopathy NEW DELHI under

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